
J Edgar Hoover would have totally pulled off the outfit Meghan McCain has on better than her.

J Edgar Hoover, the guy who tried to get Martin Luther King, Jr. to commit suicide? Yeah, I would hate for him to disapprove of me.

The question Re: “Skinjob” is whether Talbott is a Blade Runner guy, a Battlestar Galactica guy, or both?

As I said below this is how I think it will go down:

I took May’s criticism of Daisy to mean that Daisy was desperate to search for Coulson because she still wants him to lead her and the team.

May said it! She told Phil she loved him! And it shut him up.

I guess he could do that, but then how would he know he didn’t do that in past timelines too?

I always got the feeling that her Twitter followers were often taking advantage of her niceness by constantly trying to emotionally blackmail her into retweeting/following them etc.

I hope there’s a “Ghost Starbuck” special pilot card. And the winner should get to send all their ships into a nearby sun so they can start civilization over again from scratch.

Was just reading an interview where she was asked that question:

Yes, it really is crazy to us but to movement conservatism its outright hilarious. Teh whole ‘we go high when they go low’ bullshit is the funniest thing ever to ppl who only want to rule, not govern. That plays directly into the GOP and the oligarchy’s hands.

Can’t imagine that the government in Mississippi is that big, but it’s (admittedly) done everything in its power to criminalize abortion.

My family moved from Boston to Atlanta when I was 14. I am in my 30s now and it’s past time I moved away from this place. I’ve lost all of my family, Mom, Dad and brothers and my sister to “the Right”. When we first moved here it was a big shock to see the open racism and sexism, and honestly it took me far too long

Do you not understand how personal veiw points work? You may think him cruel for his ideas but he does not think they are cruel. From his point of view, the Democrats are the cruelest because they are pro-child killing. Your idea won’t work.

The Atlantic, founded in 1857, is a highly respected intellectual journal with an illustrious history. So please note, kind sir, that it’s neoliberal piece of shit magazine #3. 

What the fuck is up with this whole, “We need to be a big house and invite in all the people who spew shit our readers disagree with” that seems to be taking over print media?

I was just wondering aloud why the biggest anti-abortion guys look like skinheads.

Well written/said. Dean Baquet & James Bennet at the NYT are great examples of people unwilling to take conservatives at face value. Diversity of opinion and nuanced voices is not just rhetorically empty, its actively harmful.

Relevant - “There is no rhyme or reason — the order of the letters seems to be arbitrary. From what historians understand, the order of the alphabet is the way it is because, well, it’s always been that way.”

Oh no! She can sing and play an instrument? And she’s confident in her vocal abilities? How dare she?