
Hopefully, Goopeth & her Psychic Vampire Repellent will be in the crosshairs soon. Get a load of this ingredient list (emphasis added):

On top of that, what kind of “artisanal” company has a CEO? Or at least a person who calls himself a “CEO”?

Also, calling itself a “Bakery Company” gets on my grammar nerves.

The CEO calling it “so George Orwell” is so funny to me. This is apparently the most extreme form of political oppression he can imagine.

Be cute with your choice of font.

What do his bravado and teeth have in common?


I think Cattrall just has different goals. And to be on SATC forever isn’t one of them—she’s done playing Samantha, and I respect her for that. I don’t think it’s fair to label her as “difficult” because she isn’t interested in compromising herself further in the name of this series. Who says you need to be besties

That’s definitely how it gets painted and I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some truth to it. But it wasn’t exactly Cattrall just wanting the spotlight. SJP was more famous and also a producer, so had more leverage for things like pay and nudity clauses. The other actresses’ pay tended to not keep up with the

Huge fan of the first 3 seasons of the show... watched it all the way to the end, watched both movies (which I felt were hot garbage). IMO, Kim was the best thing about this show unti S4 where they ALL became caricatures, and even then she and Cynthia Nixon gave the show some much-needed salt.

There is absolutely NO

when i watched this i thought it was directed by jamie babbit.

Never forget when Carrie slutshamed Samantha for blowing the Worldwide Express Guy.

I wouldn’t mind a “Sex and the City” film or short run TV series.

I always thought, without proof, that Catrall didn’t appreciate SJP becoming the pivot everybody else turned on and that the story became primarily about Carrie, while SJP amassed power on set and controlled the way the characters were portrayed. The characters became ever more like caricatures as the show went on,

I think MASSEDUCTION is the name of the album right?

The last movie, MPK even said he was just fucking with us. Don’t blame KC because you made the shittiest sequel possible just to dick with the fans, and now can’t get yet another repeat done. It’s also pretty telling that the movie is THIS DEPENDENT on Kim Cattrall. Clearly they wrote a script so dependent on

I’ve always felt that they destroyed all of Samantha’s personal growth by having her dump Smith in the first movie. It was illogical.

SJP and Kim Cattrall have hated each other forever. So, I think SJP was letting a couple of decades worth of hostility slip out when she threw KC under the bus.

Plus as she said she’s 61 and I don’t blame her for just not wanting to crack Lawrence of my labia jokes anymore

As I recall, Catrall’s character spent most of the last movie yowling about not getting any, rolling around in a vat of yams, and screamyelling up some monologued garbage that seemed largely designed to be a western white woman being the savior to a bunch oppressed brown women, who may or may not actually feel the

That part really got to me, too. I’m hoping that my dad, who is also a musician (not as successful as Mr. Petty, but he does alright) will read that and take it to heart. He’s been back in the country for months but hasn’t taken a break to see his grandson. It makes me sad because he’s missing out on this awesome