
Two observations:

Jason Isaacs is so great. I knew he would be a great addition to this franchise and he did not disappoint. He’s perfect at conveying all the enigmatic menace of Lorca.

I like the roomate - she brings out a softer side, which does a lot for Burnham’s character.

This is a pretty different Star Trek from what we’ve gotten

And yet you are interested in commenting on it here.

On the contrary, the events of the prologue set everything in motion — the war, Burnham’s guilt, the other characters’ mistrust of her, Lorca’s interest in recruiting her. And two of Burnham’s Shenzhou crewmates, Saru and Kayla Detmer, are with her on Discovery.

Discovery increasingly feels like it takes place specifically in the world of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, with the crazy science experiments, more militarized Starfleet, scientists who look down on Starfleet as a military org, etc.

One of the extras spoke up and walked off the set. I don’t remember if there was a lawsuit, but it got written about in “Entertainment Weekly”, which was quite mainstream at the time.

Has Sarah Jessica Parker ever cooked a meal in her life? Stoves have burners, not ovens.

If they can make a new/worse Superman every year, then the whole world has to stop giving any fucks if they make more Sex and the City’s

Considering some of the non-Sarah Connor related movies he made, like True Lies which is weird, I really don’t think he is in a position to comment. The worst part is that he is the ultimate mansplainer - here women, let me tell you why this movie made by a woman and that many women love is not really a good movie,

Also like Sarah Connor’s braless tank top look had absolutely nothing to do with pandering to the male gaze.

James Cameron has a fragile ego. His “crusade” against WW certainly reminds me of the current President’s twitter feed. Cameron hasn’t made anything decent since 1991(box office’s be damned).

Yes, and while developing it, someone pointed out to him that “these are nonhuman aliens, they’re not mammals, so why would they even have tits?” - And his answer/decision was basically “yeah, I know, but she still has to be hot”.

Cameron behaves as if he tried to have sex with Jenkins and then couldn’t maintain his erection.

I imagine she was able to draw on some personal experience for Zero Dark 30.

He made her a pissed off mom in a tank top. He’s got a type.

It’s not like Cameron made Neyteri in Avatar some kind of average looking female alien. She’s wearing a loincloth and a necklace, for fuck’s sake! And that’s somehow more forward for women because she’s CGI? Get it together, Jimmy!

Avatar was just pocahantas, fuck avatar.

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Kim Cattrall was like the female Bruce Campbell back before SATC, a B-list actor you’d be excited to see because she did every role with memorable game gusto.

Not to mention Big Trouble in Little China.

“This franchise made her and let’s be frank, it’s all she is really known for.”