
He cuts holes in the flag to use it as a poncho, but that doesn’t offend people because he is a white republican.

Of course it was. Aside from the pastie, how about the tear-away bodice? They were trying to be provocative. Neither of them would’ve done anything like that by accident, nor would they have done it without the other’s complicity. They simply misjudged the blowback (which, itself, was ridiculous).

Oh shit, I just googled and and the Super Bowl is on NBC which means they could drag out that dinner theatre reject Jimmy Fallon to do some stupid dork duet with JT. Maybe we’ll get a blizzard, I’d rather shovel six feet of snow risking a heart attack than watch that crap. I might actually even prefer a heart attack.

Justin timberlake is definitely one of those people that makes me think “can you please just fucking stop making music” every time his songs come on the radio. Fuck JT! And while we’re at it I don’t like Jessica Biel either. Miss you Janet.

Remember that time that Tim Allen got busted for drunk driving?

Ugh, Tim Allen is the definition of a mediocre white man succeeding for no reason. He went to jail for a relatively short time for drug trafficking and then got roles on television as a FAMILY MAN. He is absolutely not a victim here, what black person do you know with his background would ever wind up getting the

And Ron Swanson.

All In The Family, or “Archie Bunker” as Tim Allen calls it (he may be thinking of the spinoff, “Archie Bunker’s Place”) was a cultural force because of Norman Lear and how it held a stark light up to outdated bigoted sentiment in the face of the cultural revolution of the late Sixties and Seventies.

Carroll O’Connor was HORRIFIED that people wrote positive fan letters to Archie Bunker.

Tim Allen had a sitcom on a major network for six years in this century!? We should have seen Trump coming.

Except that Tim’s character was neither funny or likeable. He was insufferable, in the same way that all those middle aged white men who use off color racial humor to fill the void where a funny, likeable personality would be are insufferable.

But there is nothing more dangerous, especially in this climate, than a funny, likable conservative character

Well, there’s nothing quite as unfair as a slighted rich white man.

Tim Allen has been lucky to have a career at all. He’s an abysmally bad actor. Six seasons is a long time for a show that’s this bad, and he should be glad it didn’t get canceled in the middle of the first season. Go sit in the corner and pout, snowflake.

Almost every conservative I have ever met is a whiny little bitch. Hollywood goes where there is money to be made. They do not care if it’s liberal or conservative money. Money is money.

I will never cease to be amazed by the way conservative figures, in politics, entertainment or otherwise, can play the “I’m just too dangerous and edgy for people to accept” when republicans hold both houses of Congress and there’s a nominally republican president in the White House.

This needs more context so you can see how ridiculous it really was. (I’m a student at Georgetown Law. Yes, Tiffany is in my class, but not my section.)

The used carton the ice cream came in is a lot more interesting than this guy.

Now playing

Bring back Gilmore Girls. I want to see Rory’s downfall.