
Unless he’s busted by the state of New York. POTUS has no power to pardon state charges, only Federal crimes. If he’s arrested on say, a flight crossing New York state and taken to NYC and arraigned there, now he’s looking at a one-way trip to Riker’s Island.

No one with three kids, a dog, AND a pristine white couch is relatable in my book. Kids and dog, sure. A white couch. With kids and dog? Nope. I’m out. Don’t buy it.

Nope, Today. This somehow manages to be worse than your failed attempt to make Matt Lauer relatable.

I’m gay. I’m not a prude. This is gross.

There are blackout and sex parties at every gay bar in my city at least once a month, and I still can’t get behind the new prep culture of bareback anonymous sex. It’s a complete slap in the face to everybody who fought for AIDS research and awareness for decades. And in this political climate I can’t help but point

Because it’s gross. Both from conspicuous consumption and exploitation of animals points of view.

Alternatively, she could shut the fuck up about her #SponCon vacation being cancelled and how she plans to “hit” the resort next year when people who actually live on that island are at great physical and material risk. It costs zero dollars and zero sense to have some fucking humanity and realize not everything is

I’m not sure why the fact that Kevin Hart’s baby shower costing $118,000 is pushing me into “hatred of him” territory, but it is! And the chimp in a diaper is the cherry on the hatred sundae.

A woman my husband works with was supposed to have her destination wedding in the Turks and Caicos next month. She was livid when she got a call from the resort saying no one can stay here until probably next year, everything’s gone. She does a lot of wedding planning very loudly across the cube farm from my husband,

I think their chicken sandwiches are far superior to other fast-food options (if you skip the pickles, because pickles are disgusting and no one can convince me different), but they definitely don’t live up to the hype. And the waffle fries are fine, but not particularly memorable.

In no particular order:

Far Beyond The Stars five times in a row.

I’m just kidding. I only watched it once and it was so on-point I haven’t been able to go back since.

<i>“The blue-haired cult leader doesn’t seem to be saying much about Trump or his voters.”</i> During the pinky session with the blonde he tells her to “stop saying you’re sorry, it’s everyone else’s fault.” If that’s not Trump dogma, I don’t know what is.

VERY late in Hotel we got to know Liz Taylor, and it’s the best part of the season, but she was never positioned as a protagonist.

Hotel was awful in large part because - no matter how pretty/spooky Wes Bentley looks on camera - he’s fucking terrible at acting.

well, I would agree that it is leaning a lot more in the “liberal snowflake” parody direction, but -

in post-truth America, who is a sympathetic character? maybe that’s the point (or one of them)? the world is full of anti-heroes for real, so why not a tv show reflect that?

Well, this was at least more fun than the previous episode. The opening segment was a nice little sick joke. The shrink’s complete lack of patience with her bullshit was entertaining. Lourd’s deadpan evil nanny continues to delight. They even found a good use for the beautiful blankness that is Colton Haynes’

I absolutely loved this epp: that “cisnormative names” alone, damn...

I mean we are supposed to laugh at the lines “you know we don’t like cisnormative pet names” and “stop I am a citizen of the united states and I demand to see your permit!”

Oh, American Horror Story. Your subtext will never be nearly as terrifying as the reality which is Trump.