I met her at a book signing in like 2007 and when I told her my name she said, “You’re shittin’ me,” and asked to see my driver’s license. (It was admittedly weird of me to ask her to make it out to my full name.)
I met her at a book signing in like 2007 and when I told her my name she said, “You’re shittin’ me,” and asked to see my driver’s license. (It was admittedly weird of me to ask her to make it out to my full name.)
BRB, smearing teeth with Glint.
All Fox had to do to end up with a bunch of perverts is hire conservative men in all positions of authority. What is a conservative but one who longs for the return to the values of the past? But, what was really going on in the past besides women and people of color being abused and disenfranchised at the whim of men…
I miss Lisa Ling, too! I grew up watching her on Channel 1, and loved the book she wrote with her sister about her sister being held prisoner in North Korea.
So very amusing to me now that one of the first big aha moments on my path to accepting myself as a lesbian was a video made by a gay man.
... There exists a real live actual female human being named Jedediah?
Mitt Romney’s daughter. The last name is confusing, I know.
For the daughter of a decades-long Senator who ran for president twice, it always shocks me how politically naive she can actually be — and how utterly unaware she is of it, even as she invokes her father’s service as grounds for authority.
it probably fit and then the opening constricted causing massive swelling and the breakage in the spongey tissues leading to that freaky dtraight line across the shaft. this is why metal cock rings terrify me.
Eh hem to continue my thoughts of maybe someone else could write about this...
When has she ever been pure pop though? There’s always been the experimental bits of her work. This wasn’t notably different than what I expect with/from/of her music.
I always have liked Bjork videos.
I’d venture to ask when Bjork was every considered “pop” in the first place. No snark, I just would never have put her in the same category that Taylor Swift is in.
This article feels really resentful that she makes things that challenge the audience instead of trifles.
What a sad statement about art.
I’m not convinced that she ever was pop. Love her - but would never think to put her in that category.
I never thought I’d say this, but Snapchat needs a Björk filter.