
Same here. Tried opening on two different devices using different browsers. The video isn’t showing.

I agree. This was a great episode after a couple good but not memorable episodes. As far as the vault, a lot of speculation it is Missy/Master, but that seems a too obvious choice. My guess is the Doctor made the pledge to the Master, but I have no idea was is in the vault.

In the book, Hammond had a partner who actually developed the cloning technology, but died from cancer before the events of the novel. Not sure if his name was Lockwood.

I’ve read the book. It isn’t very good.

Doctor Who also works best with quirky characters as the leads — not your traditional young and good-looking CW stars. And it works best when the assistant isn’t pining for the Doctor.

So I’m assuming that thing eating Earth is Unicron?

I got part of the eastern Australian coast!

Legends of Tomorrow I understand. But Supergirl? As much as I love Melissa Benoist’s performance, that show is a hot mess. And Arrow is having its best season since season two right now.

1980s? I’m getting more of a Lovecraft vibe, given the trailers.

Yeah, this article the very definition of making a mountain out of a molehill.

Yeah, I always felt that way. Great animation. Beautiful to look at. But over-serious and the dialogue sounded like the ramblings of first-year philosophy students while drunk.

Pull my moon.

Hope none of them have cats.

Poor design. Couldn’t even touch. ZERO STARS.


Strange to think a former B-lister like Iron Man is needed to prop up a Spider-Man film these days.