
Well, damn. He is one of the most enjoyable parts of the show.

Porg Runner. (I love it.)


If you had access to an infinite amount of realities, why invade ones with other people in them? I’d choose one where humans didn’t evolve. But then again, they’re Nazis.

No, it is not a “young person” thing. It is just a matter of pacing and what creators do with the time they have. There are lots of long movies with slow plots that still manage to engage, because of the characters and themes at play. Lawrence of Arabia may be the ultimate example of this. Blade Runner is a visual

Don’t feel bad: Blade Runner was a masterpiece in visual effects and score, but it suffers from a cliched plot, thin characters, and — as you noted — an uneven pace. It is definitely representative of a common flaw among science fiction fandom: Appreciation of style over substance.

This characters have distinctive appearances. But I guess the artist doesn’t need to adhere to that.

I’ve always been a bit perplexed at the popularity of that story. It was an interesting thought experiment but not much else. Plus I wonder how they will pull off the “twist” in visual form given it comes about because Gaiman withholds information from the reader.

From what I’ve seen of the movie so far, looks like you could just recycle old reviews for The Day After Tomorrow.

I am very happy to see separate site focusing on environmental issues and environmental science. With the obvious exception of climate change, I feel the environment doesn’t get the coverage it deserves. And given the current political climate here in the U.S., this type of coverage is needed more than ever.

It’s not new funding. The money will come from other parts of the budget, we just don’t know where yet. And the point of the article is that the good that could come from this is offset by cuts to science funding (including education funding) and the administration’s attacks on science and research. You’re falling for

You didn’t bother reading the article, did you?

At least some of the time, Lore suggests, the secrets hidden beneath the most obvious truths are exactly the supernatural oddities we suspect them of being.

Given Portman would have been in her early teens around that time, why don’t you have a seat right over there?

“Still looking for a lawyer to represent me.”

I’m leery of people who over-simplify the motivations and morality of millions of others to satisfy their internal biases.

This is one of the dumbest “controversies” I’ve seen in a while. If you follow it to the logical conclusion of some of the critics, then no person can write about a character of another race or touch upon a time period with politically relevant implications for cultures other than the one to which the person belongs.

Maybe he can regenerate into a Batwoman?

Trebek and Connery, when told to suck it