It is:
It is:
Why would Kansas need a superhero? What supervillian has nefarious plans for Kansas? I mean, if you want to do real harm there, just run for governor. You’ll get elected.
Dick Cheney.
Comments section of a video game website: -200
NDT can be obtuse sometimes, but I’m having a problem seeing the problem here.
You know, I would love to see a live-action Batman TV series. Batman is a superhero that can be done on a TV budget, and the format would give more time to develop the character and villains. You could strike a tone closer to Daredevil than any of DC’s current TV offerings (Although, to be honest, I would like to see…
If “PC culture” whined as much as people like you whine about “PC culture,” then you might have a point.
Atlantis. The rings are keeping with Plato’s description of the city.
Not so pathetic as a guy whining about PC culture on a video game site.
Watch your language.
Hey, there’s precedent: Smurfs ended racial segregation. Who doesn’t remember Martin Luther King’s “I have a Smurf” speech?
No. Jessica Jones was the only one that left an impression on me after I watched. The others were like “that was fun, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to see them again.”
With the possible exception of Jessica Jones, I would hesitate to call Marvel’s Netflix output “so good.” More like “entertaining, but forgettable.” But the rest of your argument stands.
Only if you have some friends, some beers, and willing to supply your own MST3K commentary.
What I remember most about the show is it had one of the craziest premises ever: The War of the Worlds happened just as we saw in the movie, but by the 1980s everyone forgot about it. All the destruction, the rebuilding, the giant alien spaceships lying around — no, don’t remember it. It would be as if no one today…
In all honesty, I don’t understand the appeal of American Gods. The novel seems a mix of half-formed ideas and fantasy cliches (like the hero suddenly discovering hidden powers when the plot calls for it). I even ran into one guy proclaiming it the Great American Novel (Mark Twain may want to have a word with you.) It…
I disagree. By making fun of the situation, she is disempowering the assholes who attacked her. The reason they attack her and other women online is largely to silence them, so she’s showing them not only is she not going to shut up, but she can poke fun at the situation and move on with her life. That drives trolls…
Patrick Stewart has made it clear in the past he is no fan of Trump. As for William Shatner, well, he made fun of Trump’s appearance a few months back, but he’s also been whining about “SJWs”, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine he’s a Trump fan.
In all honesty, these are pretty much standard GOP positions. Not going to make a value judgement on whether these positions are right or wrong, but this is one of the few cases where he is toeing the party line.