
“It’s my party, and Accra if I want to, Accra if I want to...”

Somebody give this guy a shoulder to cry on.

Fairly sure that the first amendment won’t apply in this case because it’s in fucking England.

“Also, I was trying to get our entire team to follow Kap’s protest and would have except our chickenshit QB thought it would be bad for his advertising value to say anything of interest about anything controversial.”

Jokes on you Josh Pauls! Coach Tortorella would have benched you for not standing for the National Anthem.

I honestly thought that appearing in a Super Bowl over forty years ago being labeled “Vikings Greatest Moments” was going to be it, but no... it appears to just be one of their greatest moments.

That’s cold, bro.

You’re now third on the Browns QB depth chart.

Don’t watch the NFL if you can’t stomach graphic violence.


BLM: “Some police are assholes.”

How does a fancy dog even get ahold of a phone, let alone call into a radio station?

“Just sign ‘em! Sign’em all! We’ll sort out the money later. EVERYONE should be a Saint for as long as they can! I’m gonna sign more Saints than every previous GM in the history of the team, combined.”

- Pope John Paul II’s Ghost, Interim New Orleans GM

Sarcasm, as it’s called on the internet, isn’t primarly concerned with accuracy

“Oh, goddamnit. Now everyone is going to think I’m a Colts fan.” -Rex Ryan

Manutebol? is that how this works?

There’s no respect any more for being straight and white in this country.

You realize your attitude isn’t helping the dialogue of getting more men to understand and empathize with women about the state of rape culture in america. He was offering empathy even if the wording was not perfect, hoping the men who are accused of the crime are brought to justice. You choose to jump down his throat

Finebaum would still have cried fowl

This looks like one of the racist murals from Parks and Rec.