
Sweet. But drive wise, do you get more fun out of your T ? Was it the tinkering that made it so special? Whats the sweet spot in 911 classics? Can it be a T or would you recommend the SC or Carrera? Also.. how much moolah to get the the mods t where your at now?


Lol. As in beige dont age???

I think its a cicada hawk... they dont go for people and if it stung you its very weak.

Cicada hunter?

Its Wed and I am bored as fuck..lose the cone, fuck the boring cars, and go spot some hot women with hardly any clothes on instead.

In total honesty, my first thought was WTF? but then I tried saying it and it seemed very familiar. So I have probably said it... I think it has more to do with conveying a good emotion. Its like a cool way to say I really enjoyed that and have SOME feelings for you. I dunnno... it could also be said in awkwardness

How many? The answer is: AS MANY AS ARE WILLING ( and good looking )

Are you thinking more China/Russia and less terrorism?

Its crazy... I drive a 14 Cayman and park right next to a 72 911 T, the difference in size is like the Rock standing next to Peter Dinklage. Driving the older one is way more rewarding. I wonder if Peter enjoys the same respect with the ladies?

As long as blondie is naked

Porsche is just reacting to the market. Real driving enthusiasts are few and far between. People these days have very short attention spans and have little time, appreciation, or desire to learn or deal with anything so involved. So real sports cars are now a thing of the past. Hardly anyone even knows or wants a

If it were trump vs a monkey, I would vote for the monkey. The thing about Clintons voice is that it just sounds so FAKE. She is like yelling or something in a way to compensate for being a woman?

I would not be surprised if trump turns out to be gay.

I’m going to stick with what I initially thought you meant by sissy bar: GAY

Either you believe the FBI or you don’t. If you do, then you also understand that Russia as the culprit makes sense. If it had been the Chinese, perhaps it would of been covered up more, but the Russians?


Day to day is where you feel it... the more traffic the worse the effect. Think acceleration and lane changes with varying speeds. The lag throws everything off. I had a 2017 911 for a week as a loaner and it SUCKED! My 14 Cayman is smooth as butter and the engine allows for consistent on demand acceleration which

Ehhh most Republicans are into BHD anyway.

How the fuck and WHY does a guy get in bed BETWEEN another guy and his girl and gets away with it twice???