
Oof, I didn't know that detail. Makes me like Monsters a little more — it kinda left me cold, but the creatures were cool.

I assume he means at the time of the filming of Godzilla, not now that's done a Star War.

You're supposing that the incompetent asshat that wrote that survey is aware of basic data quality measures. Not a chance.

Selected Stories (the FSG edition, not the NYRB one). Trousers was the story that hooked me. I bought a copy for myself, but haven't gotten back to it yet.

I ran across an English-language translation of Walser (chosen at random from a bookshelf in a friend's apartment in Berlin, oddly*). Delightful.

How about instead it's a shark tank? But in a twist, those aren't sharks! It's the cast of Shark Tank, and, surprise, Martin Shrkeli is going to sit on Mark Cuban's lap for the next season like that like rat monster that Jabba the Hutt owns.

I missed the joke about the url during the episode. But, if they used it, that likely means HBO had to pay to register the domain for the next 20 or so years.

Paging George Saunders.

Christian ska was the best ska… which is not saying a lot.

But I'm at work.

YMMV, but no.

Fun fact that blew my mind when I learned it: Ima Robot = Edward Sharpe.

I'm sure leaving it off was an Honest Mistake.

The Jamba Jews/Juice visual gag was maybe my favorite joke of the night.

Also, Sunshine.