Damn, that is gorgeous.
Damn, that is gorgeous.
David Tracy is obviously quite a smart guy. David also worked for FCA. Can we please start factoring this into the weekly “FCA is full of idiots” commentary discussions?
I’ll second that.
Only popular on enthusiast sites such as this one. Ask all your aunts and uncles what they think of the Journey and most will be unaware of the recent piling-on by Jalops.
Count me in with the above list. I really don’t understand why many on this site want less automakers and less cars in this world by the constant comments rooting for FCA to fail. The Yugo wasn’t a great car, but the Jalopnik staff enjoy it enough to own one and write about it. Ladas, VWs, Audis...many of the cars…
If it has 270K on it, and is still going strong (mechanically) and looking as good as it does in the pictures, hasn’t it already proved itself beyond your “Chrysler product” worries? Give Walter a break, man!
With FCA producing excellent rear-wheel drive cars that stir the emotions (which is why we feel in love with cars and are on this site in the first place), such as Viper, Challenger, Charger, the SRT cars, etc., I really don’t understand the hate. It’s as if many on this site would prefer that FCA didn’t make them,…
Absolutely. Such a handsome car. Perfect proportions. Upgraded materials and a fix to some weak points would make this such a beautiful, modern GT/cabriolet.
Absolutely. Dead on point.
I’m sure it would be a challenge to source parts for this lovely car. My boss had one and he lost much sleep over the constant struggle to find parts in a world where SAAB pieces are fewer and more rare every day.
Remember that it’s not a Chrysler transmission, it’s built by ZF. They company that also offers them in many other, and more expensive brands.
As a big FCA fan, come on, man. This site is about appreciating everything automotive, not bashing manufacturers that you don’t like. Positivity and respect for the passions of others.
That red Crossfire coupe is the heat.
I’ll second that, but also add in a preference for the ‘83-’88 Cougar. Gorgeous cars.
I just skimmed through all 246 comments and can’t believe that A) I’m apparently the only Sebring fan on this site and B) nobody else noticed the error in the story:
Pick up a used, manual Mercedes (sic) Crossfire for $5K, drop 10K into it to make it the baddest one around, and invest the other $5K for your 30s.
That’s a ‘01-’03 Limited MkII Chrysler Sebring Convertible, first in the mirror. Beautiful car.
Viper, Challenger, Stealth, Gen 1 Avenger, Daytona, Neon Coupe....? Really?
A buddy of mine had one in the late 90s. He called it the Ford Tampon.