
10 seasons of Smallville was dedicated to Clark learning to embrace his destiny.

I thought the way the show handled Clark-167 was super respectful (no pun intended) both to the character and to what the show was. And I get wanting to see him get to save the day like Flash-90 (whose show was cancelled after one season vs Smallville ending after ten), but he got to punch out Lex Luthor. Even Routh’s

I am so tired of people saying this.  If you read the whole amendment it clearly states that you are given a Netflix comedy special only if you are part of a well regulated militia.   It was never meant to justify everyone getting to be a comedy cowboy no matter what the NCA propaganda says.  “You can pull my rubber

It is in the U. S. constitution that all American citizens be given at least one Netflix stand-up comedy special, however, the pay scale will vary based on popularity.

i didn’t even realize she was a comedian.

He’s more qualified for public office than 99% of Congress.

because despite the concerns over privacy (information people regularly turn over anyways), the gains are often better than the losses.

Someone nonchalantly asks “Is he dead?”

If it goes off of TBS they will have 25 hours of prime time programming they will need to fill.

We need a supermajority in the Senate for an impeachment and removal of Kavanaugh to be successful.

This, it’s literally the one and only thing they care about. Not a single other thing in the universe matters to them.

Looks like you need to have a serious sit-down with your daughter about Cancel Culture. It’s time.

Well, at least he apologized:

Dear Mario Lopez: Go fuck yourself in half. Sincerely, this parent of a trans kid.

There’s both official and unofficial behind the scenes footage of them all being there together to film it. They’ve talked about all being together to shoot it. They were indoors rather than outdoors so the background was a comp, hence it looking a bit fake. 

Yeah, it’s not so much that the President is a racist, sexist, lying, self-serving, criminal. It’s more that those things were obvious before he was elected and I never would have guessed that 63 million Americans would be fine with that prior to the election. I mean, sure, I knew a bunch of them would be, but not so

For #ResistanceDemocrats, this was a shit sandwich they were unwittingly preparing themselves to eat for years. For the rest of the left, we are far past pinning our hopes on stuff like this, and called all of this very early - especially when it comes to knowing who Mueller is and what he’d do and say.

It’s a dumb take.  Watching them isn’t mandatory and you can just assume that if you aren’t interested in them any more then they aren’t being made for you anymore.  They’re being made for the next round/generation of people. 

This. Cutting to everybody’s reactions was one of the highlights of the episode. They’re also damn good singers? I get maybe doing too much of a job of breaking up the tension of the scene but I was loving it.

I loved this moment. I started to lose it when the music came in to back them and the reaction shots from everyone really, really sold it. Joyce leaning her head against the wall and Murray slowly turning with a confused look was fantastic. This whole series is and has been an ode to 80's cheese so this worked for me.