Walrus King

she didn't mention av club. I assume she's on here at least 6 hrs a day

Bjork is smart and great and talented. HOT TAKE!

He is ridiculous. An absolute master.

that makes it all the more delicious

yeah I like Del Toro a fair bit, but not as much a mignola. If it's going in one direction more than another, I'd rather it look more like Mike!

I think I might have seen it somewhere else on the thread, but I always imagine the tone closer Indiana Jones or something, but scarier. But similar to indy, many jokes are cracked. But ultimately, you still don't think he's a clown. Hellboy came off bafoonish to me in the films.

your disqus pic is a thing of beauty

oh he was spot on. Insanely suited to the role. All the casting was pretty great actually.

yeah I suppose it is hahahhaha

oh for sure - but they never felt goofy. The movies felt cartoony to me.

yeah, its a challenge for sure, but I think it can be done. I think a lot of it has to do with the pacing and color palette. Del Toro was very…bright, pulpy comic….whereas in the comic dave stewart colored with a lot of restraint. Even something as simple as sticking to the Mignola formula of using a deep, strong red

they're some of my favorite comics ever. Absolutely singular. And they have a very distinct tone that the movies missed. The movies are Del Toro, and that's cool because he's cool, but it didn't do the source material justice, imo. The movies are way more "fun" and silly than the comics. The comics are dark, mystical

yup, THIS

as a mega Mignola fan - this is good news.

Jah has the most bless-ed rules


that was questionable casting in the first place. I don't think he's even to blame. Thats using a hammer to saw wood

America's psychedelic Druid breadbasket

seems like a weird thing to want to do.

he watched his own performance as joker and went mad!