Walrus King

its way more erotic too. Just…so erotic.

it doesn't matter how good Leto is at acting because he's insufferable. He negates his own performances.

ooof yeah he's real bad in that. But good in The Gift

Fjordget about it!

I was on a bus and listening to "( )" (my fav album by them). Just as Untitled 7 was hitting its insane cosmic crescendo, the bus went over the crest of a hill, and suddenly Stone Henge was there, illuminated in a beam of light. The timing was exact, as the music went bonkers. I'll remember that one forever.

yes please

Swamp Thing or GTFO

No - yes - yes - no - yes - yes

that IS comedic, I'll give em that

this site houses a lot of rich contrarians

all emo is skin crawlingly embarrassing

and those whipping tendrils…va va voom!

I don't even allow myself to hum "Always Be My Baby" because I know the consequences. Even typing it just now was a risk…

honestly, it was #1 question he asked and he was visibly relieved when I told him. Its terrifying. At the moment you're most hurt and scared, they fuck you with unimaginable bills. I got a shot every two weeks that cost 1200 dollars! it's madness. And I wouldn't have got it had I not been insured decently.

oooooooooh!!!! feasts with abandon


when I got cancer the FIRST question my doc asked me was "what insurance do you have"

thats the power of love right there

now that is a primo slice of millennial

faints dead away