Walrus King

thats my exact review, having just checked it


for the record, I'm completely convinced both of you AND the Rock voted for Trump.

hahahahaha moderate republicans don't exist anymore. Thats like saying the Rock is a Yeti!

biding his time, I'm sure

I sure wish comic book cap was still cap. The world needs as many caps as it can get.

my surprise song of the week was 'Lake by The Ocean' by Maxwell. Real nice!

Godzilla likes bird noises. Bird noises are the easiest way to trap him in a volcano

Algiers, “The Underside Of Power”
production is a little cheesy - but those guitars sounds nice. Seems…fine?


you're right - I despair when I see how few Walrus Princes there are!

good plan!

oh shit - havent got there yet, but it sounds like we'll have similar feelings about it!

are there monogamous people anymore? I feel like an old walrus reading this stuff

weirdly, I just got an email saying I own that now.

yet it was always going to be

oh man, I hope so - I love that flick!

yeah ditto - its been very weirdly marketed, which makes me nervous in general.

cool it with the hot takes buddy

either way…(hands over product)