Walrus King

well, since corporations are people now, speech-wise, isn't that a little like "stop hitting yourself?"

in an official capacity?

I see and re-see every king arthur movie, so it's kind of a foregone conclusion I'll be there. Yeah, you're right though, there's little appreciation for a film that does it's work well enough.

unfortunately, when the truth is concerned, its tough to be two things.

oh lord the plot thickens

I'm gonna see this and King Arthur, despite knowing better. You gotta do what you gotta do in this world.

ah, so its highly prophetic

ha! A President of Walruses. Preposterous! (releases the hounds)

hmmm lets see…Stephen King


I'm going to be polishing my tusks

ditto - came damn close last time…

who are your runners up?

winner every time

Both Lynch and Tom Waits are turning the corner from 'grizzled cool ambiguously old' to 'oh wow they're old' old and it bums me out.

actually, owls are some of the more remorseful creatures out there. They love mice and they don't give themselves much of a break about what they do


but he's not the villain right - kind of just like the villain?

the Drangus is really hard to beat

get a dog. walk it.