Walrus King

I was mostly shocked that he died from 69ing. You've got to be careful even though its fun!

I'm so happy to hear someone else say that.

I was really hoping this weekends Arsenal loss would provoke him to implode

Quigley, however, has no regrets!

Flanders and Swann were truly ahead of their time

best thing I read recently was Legends of the DC Universe #22 and #23 (art by Ladrönn!!!) where superman and a mad scientist go to a tiny, lab created planet populated by creatures who worship classic movie monsters called Transilvane. It was so awesome.

seriously! The Joes continue to treat the ocean like it doesn't matter. We're part of earth too!!!!

it's true, I'd rather this, conceptually, than something boring in the DC house style or whatever. I don't like the looks of this very much though.

who doesn't though, to be fair

hahahahha someone…must?

oooooof not into that art. Milonogiannis was the big seller on this series for me. This looks…less good.

she didn't have to do anything other than show up for this one. her character is basically a card board cut out. "Thanks for the check, chumps!"

it had some good lines:

I wish the show was a little more in the direction of that over the top line. If it was funnier, or more absurd or something, it could hit home some larger points I think. As it stands, its kind of trash and boring (to me)

yeah but not dumb and evil.


a much bigger star wars nut said that those AT-ATs were cargo versions, opposed to the battle versions on Hoth. For what its worth (not much hahahaha)

admit it - you're Batboy

that explains a bit about the night I caught hillary drinking all the beer in my fridge

yup - I agree completely! Rey is wicked cool and so is BB8. Oscar Issac is classic. But the fact that its so close, plot-wise, to Ep4 is so weird to me. Sucks the life right out of it. Snoke is some harry potter shit. Weak as hell.