Walrus King

I think we DID need more cool darth vader after 3 prequels of very uncool darth vader

it also did the extremely clever thing of taking a huge plot hole and turning it into a cool new strength.

Rogue one was WAY better to me. Cooler aliens, better effects, cooler characters. TFA was such a weird rehash…I've not really felt the need to see it again.

The narrative of it being a kid a b-side collection haunted it for a longtime. I think time has been very kind to it

Huh! Very interesting

That's what I always heard

Yup undeniably atrocious

Wow very interesting about your grandfather! Any stories about her? Did they meet?

oh good one. might have to dust that one off next. That was a big one for me

weirdly, she was conceived in one

I dont wanna say it's their 'best' or whatever, but it's the one I get the most out of and go back to the most (at least recently).

yeah that ones still the only dark spot for me. Especially when songs like that, and Harry Patch came out around then…it's kind of a baffling record.

She am Goop

I had to take a Radiohead break for a bit, because I went too hard. Except for In Rainbows, I couldn't hear it anymore. It just wasn't working…went to the well too many times.

…called Kid Z?

hmmm interesting - never thought of that. I'm gonna throw a hot google on that when I have time to read

the case of Frederic Douglas, however, is not so clear

hahahahhahha oh man. How could one guy have so many great lines?

I'm actually ok with calling them the bad guys. Also - I'm more English than American so I have a different perspective on that aspect as well.

Well, and the casualty math of a ground invasion. I was thinking of the nazis though. It's rare to get a clearer villian