Walrus King

The latter - I'm real into the "turn the other cheek" bit

Holy generic-ass lookin' art batman!

and that he has no idea what the civil war was

I lost my fucking mind. that was the one that broke me.

why aren't you!?

probably for the best

probably tidier

oh wow hahahahha

ah, thanks - I knew I was missing something!


yeah its not right. I don't know why he's acting that way, or what good could come from this discussion.

no, that was God

I'm sea water!

wow thats a complicated idea.

now this island…this island fucks

"oh dennis, there's some lovely filth over here…"

I want to chainsaw spencer in half.

yeah thats real high on my list too.

I have a hard time divorcing it from the series, which I love very much and enjoy. FWWM is so painful and scary and hopeless. It's so different from the series, which found a good balance. Watching FWWM was exhausting for me.

I will NOT look at your avatar!!!!