Walrus King


fukkkkkkkkckckckkkkkkkkk yesssss

yeah I guess I could never get it. Thanks!

its also morally and intellectually empty…but you know, whatever

there is no one on earth more overrated than Tarantino. I don't understand his critical 'pass' one bit.


The Patriot is just as big of a piece of shit as Mel. I fucking hate that movie. Completely inaccurate and bad to boot.

you cheeky fucking bastard

Ike Turner was very good at music and very bad at being a good person

he annoys me pretty hard and I've never been really impressed. It feels like he's french kissing a photo of himself the entire time I read him

I thought House of M was kinda cool.

her back catalogue is hit or miss, but there's some Gold in there.

I don't think so

My buddy watched that the other day and described it to me over pizza. I couldn't believe how insane and offensive the whole movie sounded. He pimps to get into harvard right? that's the movie?

Bell Bottom Blues is sick

yeah but he DIDN'T write the nice piano bit. and it was about plowing george's wife.

I'm a big Ninth Gate defender. Its a weird and awesome film.

yeah this is a big one for me. I like a bunch of his movies despite my best efforts.

this is the first right answer. Free for All too.

Mann-ster class?