Walrus King

especially Last of The Mohicans

LA Confidential is goddamn non-stop masterpiece

Chronicles of Riddick
Fifth Element
Any Indiana Jones
King Arthur
You Got Mail

I get it. If the world's ending I usually watch.

ok I'm not even done and its already the shit. Gorillaz is great!!!!

its terminal

yeah that all sounds like…good…things. have fun!

Imagine Wanting Only This…


when it comes to Moore, less is more.

Chicagoland, Greece

no no no…

Its really good - the Good the Bad and The Queen are in there for me too.

this is a silly opinion

Star Wars battlefront

I think that's actually a little too clear for trump: how about "snake. Bad!"

That sounds beautiful in its own way

theres only one way to find out…

points to taco bell

its called SKRUNK…everyone knows that. What are you…a pig?
pulls blade