Walrus King

like when I did an ad campaign for normal, not amazing, icebergs!

that's…one of ted's kids, right?

it's-a me! a-bus!

punched by a bus! thats-a-gotta-hurt!

yeah that movie sucked but the ending was kind of funny? I remember the rock winning very anti-climatically and being happy about it

No doubt!

I think your friend is, sorry

although he's rad, I always think Falcon isn't the right Cap replacement. Same with Bucky, who's too dark and rad and emo. I miss the super strength with Falcon and the hero goodness with Bucky.

I rewatched Excalibur last night and man, what a bonkers movie. It's so strange and unique. I think it's as close as we've got to a decent Arthur movie. I used to like to watch it as a kid, but my dad would fast forward through the naughty / fucked up bits so it's even more bonkers and jumbled in my memory.

It's layers and layers of affectation over nothing


love Sam, he's rad. not as rad at redwing of course, but rad…;)

oh def not - but I appreciate that spencer tried to split the difference between the movie character vibe and the FF vibe without tossing one out entirely

if you know what I mean

it was a cool idea to have one dude do both. If anything, I don't think they had enough to do with each other. Sam Cap feels very peripheral to all of hyrda stuff.

shhhhh there there

slider? i just met her

that certainly seems easier and cooler to say

WAW was so fun!

I usually only get the Treyarch ones but this is tempting!