Walrus King

it does seem weird lol

sharting and playing golf

also, like highlander, you're both incapable of siring children because of this

he's probably too busy sobbing for Wiltshire's shattered glass ankles

I don't like any of them


hahahah well….I guess? actually, based on my desire to watch them on cable when I have the flu

he played "Vin Deisel"

its a book that suffers for dealing with such huge issues that supposedly involves cities and millions of people, but seems to exist in a world with about 12.

I dunno, I just don't agree. I think it's super half assed. Also, just narratively, the book never seems to progress. The same things happen again and again and then something funny/stupid and tonally off happens for an issue.



that was that one?! madness.

seriously, all i remember is someone torturing someone with a rat in a bucket.

he races the dumbest kid from home improvement. that was worth my $6 bucks alone

its def not so much worse. But its probably the worst of the bunch

the amazing

you're basically asking for trouble!

more like double nickels on the whine amiright
