Walrus King

It kind of reminds me when Michael Jackson sold the Beatles song to the nike commercial. You can ruin something retroactively, for sure, by misusing it in the present. For example, Bob Seger's Like a Rock. That song is basically ONLY a commercial jingle now.

and just like that, the whole world is blind

I liked FF a lot too and that plot actually comes back into a play later in the series when Ms. Thing shows up and stuff. It's kind of a nice little closure thingy on their relationship.

Yeah Ant Man had some real fun bits, though there was an observable drop off at the end there with the trial. Fun though and glad it got an 'ending'. The Fix is rad too. Worth checking out for the art alone.

Black Hammer was reallly good. I was just surprised to see the #8 there. They've built some amazing characters and established a really amazing universe in a very short amount of time.

I have trouble wrapping my head around some of the Coates Black Panther books. The pacing is def weird. Sometimes, its boring in a way that comics don't need to be boring. Like, by mistake. But it echoes back to the priest run so often that I know he's quite familiar with the property etc. And Coates can still drop a

Also like Snyder, Millar sucks almost completely

the art was all over the place too. Some issues were good, but others had like 6 artists and looked like shit. Both books felt super cobbled together and half assed. And the fact that they didn't have too much to do with each other is just bizarre. It could be one of the best cat and mouse games in comics, Sam Cap on

the sam book is the bigger disaster. Spencer is half-assing and pussy footing around that shitty book since issue 1. He pulls his punches every time he approaches anything meaningful because it's not his story to tell and I think he knows it.

its a bummer hes kind of been revealed to be so fucking annoying and shitty. I really enjoyed some of his work. Now it feels a little gross…

people be reasonable and courteous? yeah right!

there's always one…

theres lots of really really good other comics! these are two kind of lame ones. thats like saying "glad I stopped watching movies" because Fast and the Furious 19 is stupid

I don't dislike Spencer, mostly (Fix and Superior Foes were both brilliant) but he was the wrong man for Sam Cap. Tonally, it was all over the place. And he just tip toes around the race stuff because at the end of the day, it's not his story to tell. Its a sad, half measure of a comic.

shouldn't Reverse Flash be…slow?

yeah Bully is pretty solid

yup! it's unbearable

I hated it so much. It sounded, like, comically bad to me. Funny world!

Yes please

Keeps me up at night to be honest