Walrus King


Lol yeah fair enough

Yeah that record or Theatre of Balls

he found all 10 failures? were they all in that incredible utility closet he's standing in?

Is a sound bath where someone shouts at your dick? because, I have to admit, it is QUITE relaxing!

I heard he was in love with the clock head guy…

As a king, I have to say, I do enjoy this show, but it makes me soooo nervous!

are you sure these pics aren't from last season?

I jumped off at civil war 2 - did it pick back up?

lol yeah fairplay - it's just not for me :)

yeah, but image and idw etc are all bringing up the slack!

the Pulido She Hulk is a perfect example of how to do a more lighthearted hero book. Great read with fantastic art.

the problem, to me, isn't how cutesy it is necessarily, but how generic it looks. looks like stock cartoons on a cereal box or something

both are great! the whole Coates Black Panther universe he's building is solid too. I really enjoyed The Crew 1 last week.

are you reading the current Hulk series? It's pretty solid and kind of similar spiritually…

everyone in squirrel girl looks like a dang squirrel. its unbearable!

for this weeks book, Black Hammer knocked it out of the park AGAIN. Such a great read!

I can't get on board with this book because the art is shit. It makes me feel like a jerk too, since so many people seem to really like it.

I've said it before here, I think, but for me, the best post Hawkguy Hawkeye is Kots run on Secret Avengers.

needless time jumping! hooray! the art was pretty slammin' though