
I’ve enjoyed Disney’s Star Wars movies more than most. I love Rogue One and the Last Jedi and I actually like FA, ROS and Solo. I also think the final episodes of the Clone Wars last season were as good as anything done in the Star Wars universe, but the Mandalorian is such a damn pleasure and seems to have the

The cool thing about having Temura Morrison is he could be Jango or Boba in flashback, Boba have fought is way out of the Sarlacc or any number of surviving clones. I’m hoping for some Captain Rex

Oh I know, they’re big mad. I moved there right after Valley Grande incorporated, like two three months after. Then the VG government started taxing their asses and they didn’t like that much.

It’s not that white people in Selma are mad about it - though I’m sure they are - the desired community discussion is broader than that. There were a lot of people marching across the bridge, who bled on that bridge, who feared for their lives on that bridge, including Hosea Williams who was also at the front of the

Hive. Agents of Shield

If he becomes Daisy’s love interest, he dies. Them’s the rules

Do you hear your kids singing that ... new song ... at all? Yes, yes I do. My 5-year-old knows the words to Into the Unknown and When I’m older and at least some of Show Yourself. My three kids - including the boy who feels obligated to pretend he doesn’t - really liked the movie. And I would much rather watch Frozen

I did not know that was a thing that existed. Having googled it, you’re right.

In my experience they’re not as uniformly shaped as a Wal-Mart parking lot. Most of the theaters are attached to a larger building - like a mall - and the parking lot tends to follow that outline

Wonder if they got the rights to Whose Johnny? for those Short Circuit inspired murder robots next week? Also, does this show have to end? We can’t just keep bringing it back for mini-arcs and seasons on Disney+?

It always does for Daisy

You think there’s a ring of Black families running around with old hotel room keys just to they can go swimming in that 50/50 chlorine-H2O mix? Hey man, I got one of them Hampton keys, let’s get our swim on. I’m white and I’ve been swimming in hotel pools since I was 4 damn years old and nobody, nowhere, ever has

It seems like they wanted us to think the picture Malick died holding was Mack’s parents in captivity. But I don’t think so. Why would that mean anything to Malick? I’m not sure Yo-Yo would recognize them straight away and it would mean nothing to future boy. Maybe it had a big label on it... “Mack’s parents, we’ve

Nailed it. It was a call back to the future where citrus was the ultimate romantic gift.

Well, you’re right about that, at least in the moment. Having vented, my level of caring dropped significantly. I just have a sore spot for hypocrisy, intermingled with an air of superiority. Which makes it, a bad time for me to be alive.

Is that my own petard upon which I’ve been hoisted? OK. I wish you’d read it first, but points, I guess. For the record, I don’t blame him for not wanting to come back. It’s his choice. Go with God. And I never said he should be positive, just gracious. Look, he was on a team. A team he asked to join and then pushed

Sorry. I’ve let you down.

It is ungracious and it is unnecessary. It’s not the first time either. I’m sorry his Star Wars experience didn’t work out like he wanted. As you say, he’s a great actor. But he KNEW what he was signing on for. He was supposed to die early in TFA and pushed to be included as the third banana in a story that wasn’t

Right. Actors owe me nothing. Conversely, I owe them nothing. And so, I think it’s shitty to push to be in a thing, and then, after it’s over, talk about it like it was beneath you all along. Will you ever return to Star Wars? No. Star Wars is beneath my artist DNA < Will you ever return to Star Wars? No. I’m done