
I really don’t think we have to worry about Elba aging as Moore did. Training techniques and such, he’ll look better at 60 then Moore did at 40. Cruise is 56 and doing MI movies - and I don’t think they’ll ask whoever Bond is to do the crazy stunts Cruise does. I think Elba looks younger than he is, is a good to great

How about someone I feel confident will be good through three films and then we take it from there?

Too old? Setting aside Connery and Moore who both played Bond in their 50s, but as you mentioned Moore hung on too long. Brosnan played Bond at 46. Dalton played Bond at 43. Craig will play Bond at 50 or greater. Elba is 45 and could credibly play 5 to 10 years younger. They could easily get 3 to 5 Bond movies out

The code-breaking is the new part, which also points to Rackshaw according to the “codebreaker” and is being treated as conclusive evidence. The Indy Star had a story last week teasing more info and the CBS story just came out as well.

I don’t disagree about the whole fake reality, but they were pretty open about the guy contacting them. It wasn’t like they were hiding it. 

Thorton Melon approves

It was the night the Trayvon Martin verdict was announced and we were travelling back from Florida to our home in Tennessee, about 10 hours, my 8 year old daughter and my 1-year-old son. The wife, for the roadtrip, had upgraded car seats from the baby seat to a toddler seat thinking the boy would like to be able to

Surely Deadspin rates a couple of press passes.   Hell, the NBA might do it themselves for the viral content 

You guys should get her credentialed for Pacers-Warriors next year, cover her covering the game. 

Why does that matter? If Elliot didn’t want to do it, don’t do it. Or make the terms clear from the outset. 

I had always hoped Gaffney would go on to have a successful post-NFL life... it appears he really dropped the ball. 

It’s been a couple of years since they’ve done one. The first one, where it seemed somewhat plausible that some of the people were not in on the joke, was actually a pretty entertaining commercial. They did one a year and added a new character each time. None of those seem to have made it to the movie however.

“White people are evil. They poison the land, claim it as if it is something that can be owned. No treaty they make will ever be honored. They torture, rape and kill without mercy. They are given to terrible vices. They should all be killed, wiped from the Earth like a pestilence.” Let your 10 year old have her

Matt Murphy, Duck Dunn and Steve Cropper. Whatever the hell else you think of the Blues Brothers - that’s the core of one hell of a band

I really liked season one, but just couldn’t get into season two at all and checked out after only a couple of episodes. I recorded, thinking I might binge watch later but maybe I’ll just stay out.

That’s when the induction ceremony is

I mean, slavery - check. Racism - check. Genocide - check. Self-mutilating shepherds? Depends on how liberal you’re being with the definition of shepherd.

We rode the ride last week. It’s pretty damn cool in person. In fact, the whole Pandora experience was well done. Though I can’t vouch for it, I’ve heard friends say Flight of Passage is one of the best rides they’ve ever done. I liked Avatar when it came out and haven’t developed the aversion to it that so many have

This is, at least in some form, what I expected when they announced the truncated season. I think it’s smart and has the opportunity to be well-played. They can set the first couple of episodes in the aftermath of the Infinity War, then have an episode dealing with potential fixes from A4, then deal with the