Jonathan Frakes Fanboy Reborn!

I’m no left winger and have no real skin in the game, but isn’t it unfair to bash the Clinton’s for the tough on crime laws of the 90s? Weren’t black leaders calling for these laws due to violence in the inner cities? Had “mass incarceration” even been identified as a problem then?

It’s always amusing to me that the left likes to paint Bush as a moron but also a mastermind who fooled the senate democrats.

Surely Jefferson.

You know this is why 2nd amendment supporters are opposed to gun registrations.

What a great song

An HBO or Netflix series based on Ellroy’s LA quartet books and American Underworld would be amazing.

I think the TV miniseries of The Stand is quite good, especially when graded on a curve for when it was made.

Sure Salem’s Lot wont keep them up at night! (Checks to make sure crucifix still around neck)

The Goldblum has grown on me. I used to say he was very oily looking.

I...I really like this.

Nuclear war has always fascinated/repelled me.

Thanks for the reading list. Ive read Alas Babylon. I went on quite a end 0f the world reading kick a few years back. Also the new web site SUCKS!

Anyone ever read Alas, Babylon? Pretty good novel about nuclear war set in the 50's, when the bombs were of such size that it was plausible that WW3 would be just incredibly destructive but possibly not the end of mankind.