Jonathan Frakes Fanboy

This seems appealing to me. Not quite sure why…

Anything Churchill I see. I am card carrying member of the International Churchill Society! Oh that has gotten me laid SO many times…

Try John Lucacs books on Churchill…

Those are great.

Asshole seems strong. There is no doubt he relished war. But he was also indispensable when it came.

Its amazing how this little bit of silliness brightened my day.

Is this…is this a real thing?

It certainly wasn't a part of my collegiate experience.

Well that's fine. If he's wrong argue it. No reason to hurt people or destroy property over it.

Head in the sand.

Actual speech advocating violence is against the law. Redefining speech you don't agree with as violent (when it's actually abominable or simply disagreeable) is not a good thing. It's Orwellian.

Do you need the concept of a slippery slope defined?

It shouldn't be that hard. Sometimes questions are hard to answer but simple nonetheless.

If I have to break it down any further you will never get it. For the record I'm all for everyone having a voice. I am but one man.

Again I never said it was a top ten problem. Why don't you engage with my actual words and not what I didn't say.

So again I ask: do you think it's ok to use violence to silence speakers you don't agree with? Either say it or deny it. Because these speaking engagements aren't being cancelled because of peaceful protests.

Well I don't read Breitbart either so I guess we're even.

Slippery slopes and all that. I wasn't a Jew when they came for Jews, etc. forgive me for thinking on free speech we should err on the side of caution.

Sir Number One is not childish! Don't make me get my bat'leth

Lot more than the Huffinton Post too.