I've added a comma.
I've added a comma.
Too bad, she's funny.
Is he really? Sometimes I think its best not to learn things about the creators of works that I like.
I feel like this kind of criticism is unfair. Yes that clause was added. Yes it was horrendous. But a terrible war was fought to end it. Scores of years of struggle followed it. Are we there yet? Are things perfect? Of course not! But doesn't America get credit for improvement? When the term "leader of the free world"…
Italy fought on the Allied side in WW1…
I know it's just manipulation but I always laughed at the chutzpah of some of the restaurant owners. You are running a failing business; a man who has made himself a rich celebrity chef is offering you advice. And you argue with the man!
There was an article on the AV club a few months back where either the writer or a commentator of the article said something to the effect of: "Korman and Conway were always having a contect of wills-and Korman always lost."
I thought that was a brilliant way to put it.
There is a great skit from 2014 or so. Martin Short as the Queens plummy assistant trying to schedule a doctors appointment. Bill Hader is the doctor/straight man and he BARELY keeps in check. Classic stuff.
Yeah Palin didn't actually say that she could see Alaska from her house either. A narrative has set in.
Check an article about it on Slate. A left wing news site. Seems to not agree with your claims.
Yes I'm sure those hundreds of Berkeley students are all spies. It's not those guys who scare me it's the campus leaders who don't feel it's necessary to insure that freedom of speech be maintained. And no I don't think those fools represent the majority of the left, much as I don't think a few bad apples in uniform…
Eisnerhower did send the 101 airborne to enforce segregation and actually integrated the army. Not shabby.
And yet most of the violence I see is directed toward coservative speakers on campus…
Let me offer some clarification: when I say Eisenhower republicans or Kennedy democrats I don't mean literally going back in time and plucking out those people. I mean politicians on both sides who can blend aspects of the moderate positions of both parties. Since we can't even agree on what is moderate I suppose that…
And I stand by this statement. We just had an election where Hilllary beat Trump in the popular vote by a slim margin. I'd say that makes Scarbough a moderate republican.
You guys are right. I give up. There is only one side at fault. The left is made up entirely of holy and blameless creatures. Trump is a fascist overlord and an incompetent moron. We aren't worthy to bathe Hillarys feet even though she lost a very winnable election to said moron. I said I didn't vote for him. Hell I…
Let's not confuse facts and opinions to which we are all entitled. This has taken a strange turn from my initial observation that I find Mika to be an attractive woman.
I understand your perspective. It reminds me of anti Obama voters who were convinced that he was going to take all their guns away or that he was going to allow sharia law. I guess I have a little more trust that things won't get horrid. The checks and balances work. But we shall see I guesss. (For the record if it…
I don't think people of goodwill want to roll back the strides made in the last decades. It seems to me that people are making too much out of Trumps victory. It was a perfect storm of an imperfect candidate making a large number of unforced tactical mistakes. Shrill uncalled for panic is not going to sway many I…
Both sides have pulled pretty hard to the left or right in my estimation. This country needs more Eisenhower republicans and JFK democrats.