Jonathan Frakes Fanboy

There is a great article floating around the interwebs about the body of John Wilkes Booth traveling around America in a carnival show, and how he may have escaped justice for decades.

The Dr X skit is a thing of genius.

Not offhand but I seem to recall he was a problematic guy.

I just think it's lot more nuanced than what you described. I feel there is a lot of over correction when it comes to the civil war lately. Without trying to say that the confederacy was anything but an abhorrent cause, the war was a gigantic human event that swept up the entire nation. Not everyone single person who

Ummm. Have you actually seen that movie?

Not his best but damn fine

Yeah because life was so awesome in east germany

Yes ! Thank you!

Its very nice. But its very left wing. To the point of not listening.

Good lord.


Isn't it true that TV doctors get letters all the time asking for medical help? Seems like I read this about a 60s TV doc.

No offense to you at all, but seems like a fan wank cop out. I think King was just in a really dark place.

I agree with what you say, but hard work is the prerequisite that many seem to to forget about. I find the following by Calvin Coolidge to be true:
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is

As long as we are talking IT I need to discuss something about the bit King wrote about IT after the novel. In the post car accident novel about the alien shit weasals that King wrote, at one point there is a scene in Derry. There is a statue that someone has put up in honor of all the slain children, a statue that

His small role in Bonnie and Clyde…

Nimoy singing about Hobbits is like the nerd singularity.

Marv Albert is the best in the business. If everyone was as good as he is at calling the NBA the world would be a better place. Funny, perceptive, able to point out and then get out of the way of big moments. I love when a he calls a game a "regular season classic."

Ostertag was like a cave man

During the late 90s Summerall and Madden were covering a game where night had fallen. It was when John Glenn was on the space shuttle. They showed a close up of the moon and Madden kinda doodled a shuttle above the moon, asking Pat if the Glenn was above the moon. Pat tried to gently explain that Glenn wasn't