WalMart Shoes

The rare rigid front/suspended rear setup.

This headset stack...

Playing the long game is basically Toyota’s go-to for everything, so that makes a lot of sense.

The Stelvio would like a word, Erik.

Do I really need to put #NotAllMotorcyclists or something?

I’ll never understand this. Yes, we all do rolling stops. But no rational mind would program a consumer product to intentionally break the law.

He will be presented with the highest award Florida can present a person (or alligator) with. The Floridian Fanny Pack of Freedom.

He looked like he didn’t know just how loud a gunshot would be in a car.

This is the society you get when you treat firearm ownership as an inalienable right, rather than a privilege with responsibilities. is this not the top comment? I guess it’s too rational and factual for the mouth breathers on Jalopnik.

Best post of the thread. Right here. And yes, I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing the change in opinion related to blocking roadways.

Thank you. It’s good to hear rational folks laying it out for everyone to see.

Ok. Slowly and clearly.

What’s the point of forced vaccination if it doesn’t do anything besides lessen symptoms and severity.”

I used to be conservative. My views haven’t changed, but the definition of what conservative is has been driven to the extremes by lunatics. It used to mean personal freedom, smaller government, lower taxes, etc. Now, it seems to to be all about being a racist, embracing insane conspiracy theories, and embracing

How about the “freedom” to not have to wear a mask all the time and not fear new Covid outbreaks due to vaccinations meaning Covid mutations don’t have a chance to occur in the first place?

They have been calling them the Flu Trucks Klan up here.

Yep. “Promiscuo” translates to “promiscuous”, which translates to “general purpose.”