The words are interchangeable.
The words are interchangeable.
This is some damn fine satire right here.
Or batshit stupidity.
Hard to tell sometimes when dealing with right-wing nutjobs.
Jeezus. What country is Texas in? I could have sworn it was within a fully developed and prosperous nation. This kind of bush league third world bullshit is fucking embarrassing.
“That asshat driver needs to be taken out of the gene pool.” - Wow. How do fucked-up thoughts like this even enter one’s head? This comment is disappointing, and disgusting.
Only an American would think that having to drive around a gentle corner is poor road design.
It looks like they hit something right in front of the light post. Perhaps a bollard of some kind. The shadows show another object, and the car seems to stop prior to hitting the light post.
Ahem, *holding* the reservation is the most important part.
It’s not the penis, it’s the balls that get ‘ya.
I hate reading about assholes like this guy. My life was better when I didn’t know he existed. Now I’m going to spend all morning thinking about how this jackass is not only wealthy, but became wealthy specifically because of these fucked up opinions.
That seat pattern is iconic, and probably the best part about this hack-job.
I wouldn’t pay $40,000 for a pristine 928, and I definitely wouldn’t pay $40,000 for somebody else’s poorly done chop job.
These cars are so goddamn beautiful, I jizzed in my pants.
What the hell did that thing do to that guy’s driveway? It’s dissolving!
Womp womp.
This happening in Texas will be a good indication of how fucked up the justice system is in that state.
“...given the kind of lawyers that people with bikes trucks like that can afford...” - fixed that for you.
Yes. This is about what charges are going to be laid for his criminal trial.
Ever hear about this thing called “Dieselgate”?
Tampering with emissions equipment is very much against the law.
Seriously? A fucking Juke? Go home, you’re drunk.