
Agreed. I haven’t been as thrilled with the actresses performances this season(save for Jane maybe) and Celeste in the courtroom was another moment for me of the show disguising itself as being more developed than it is. Honestly it felt so hammy that I'm surprised people were impressed by it.

I personally never viewed the show in either season as a tale of empowerment.simply as a portrayal of how engrossing human faults can become as they snowball together in creating a person and how that can ripple then loop back through others. A tale of causality I guess. I never got the sense of empowerment from a

Does the character deserve better though? I mean Renata seems like a pretty fucking awful person. Despite her one little monologue about how it’s all for her daughter(which I truly dont buy), she’s pretty much a self obsessed rich asshole. She hardly ever seems truly concerned with other people outside of how it

I don't think anything can justify season 2 at this point.

I thought I read there was already plan for a season 3 but I might be wrong. I’m equally confused by the overtly positive reviews here especially compared to the original, it’s such a stark nose dive.

I would take the tiara strangling over the current state of things, that would atleast have be entertaining. Maybe even a sailor moon kind of battle against a demonic perry.

I also never interpretted the title of “big little lies” as so literal and titular towards a specific thing, as it has become everytime somebody says “the lie” outloud. It now really feels like this is about these woman lying about this grand moment vs what people tell themselves and reinforce to one another in order

I’m with you. The show has legitimately gone off the rails stupid but not enough that it’s fun to watch. Each episode is managing to become more boring than the last as there is no weight to any of the conflict. Nothing feels grounded enough to care about. The detective would never push what is not even a case and mary

I have accepted the stupidity for sure it’s just not enough funny stupidity vs cringey stupidity just yet. It’s still trying to take itself seriously but I feel like that boat has left the dock but they maybe forgot to pull up the anchor. Perhaps HBO should stop making speculative follows up for novels? Also why did

As much as I really love the first season i wish it ended there. This season feels like its grasping at straws to be about something and in the process it’s trivializing the impact of the initial work. There are some great moments of performance but the writing is just not there. Will finish it out just to see if it

Venry hot take. Not sure where I stand

i often found it silly and it very often removed me from feeling fully immersed but overall it's still a well made and well acted piece. I would have preferred subtitles and no British accents but oh well. I definitely laughed a bit hearing "fire brigade" said a few times and the always jarring speaking of a English

I got a flyer from the city here in Baltimore to let me know an operation called “rat rub out”is in effect. So I figure if they jerk off enough rats they will stop reproducing. More cities should follow this initiative.

You got me to laugh out loud on the toilet 

Or like see it for yourself?

Honestly i feel like the bigger they try to make these movies the more boring and tedious they get. Even wick himself just seems ordinary at this point as they introduce more and more assassins that are pretty much his equal. I think its just become too self aware and it’s kind of like watching a long expensive meme.

It isnt because she is a woman its because of her lineage. That’s always been pretty clear. Her father was the mad king so she is percieved to be the mad queen whenever she chooses an action that is reflective of her father's 

Hogg tho.

Super Mario Brothers is amazing but nerds are dumb and dogmatic.

I really hope sonic drinks a monster in this.