
you might be surprised by how many black people attend the same kind of dumb bullshit. lame people are just lame they don’t need a race attached to it. I live in Baltimore and sometimes have to work events that cater to this kind of crowd and the crowd is always plenty mixed in terms of race, gender identities etc but

+1 for shang-chi

despite thinking nearly all super hero movies are total trash, I actually like that DC is going all elseworlds with thier properties instead of making everything be tied together. it feels just as true to comic books as a shared universe. I’m sure this will be bad but you know what I can’t stand the MCU either so what

this is kind of cool but also still feels like recycled content and further begs the question of why all of our old gear and progress was deleted. it almost makes me want to play again but I’m not gonna buy a dlc just to use a weapon I already have in the previous installment of the game with better content to use it

i read somewhere that capullo was asked about it and said he had never seen the character before. i guess it could be true but it just seems very implausible to me. i mean if he was like a 20 something up and comer, then yea sure but a seasoned guy like capullo that has been around for decades? just own up to the

i just wish things could be easier for these CEOs and celebrities.

uh you must have forgotten that they said they were not familiar with the character judge death because you know..guys in thier 40s that work in the comic industry would have no idea what judge dredd comics look like, duh.

man i can’t wait to learn more about judge death i mean dark judge joker i mean the batman who laughs

this is a pretty standard practice among all genres and you have to be an idiot to take part in it. it’s true amateur shit and if you don’t know better you deserve to get burned. if you’re coming up play diy spaces and bars/clubs with a door fee. you split cash off the bar, door money, or arrange a guarantee. you

honestly I just think of Netflix as one of those 3 things i can watch Frasier on

i kinda feel that you weren’t really meant to like him. he is totally insufferable and a fuck up on top of it. I prefer Leto II myself.

I'm with you. it's just too dense and so deep into the medium of writing that I just don't think it translates. also unlike I'd say the majority here I think Villenueve makes very trite films with little past the surface. Arrival made me laugh aloud when I watched it and Blade Runner was just one of the most tedious

yea the dune series is famous for being one of the greatest in sci-fi literature not because of a movie nobody liked. a movie was made because the novel was such a major success.

honestly soldering and the kind of pcb work he’s likely doing isn’t all too hard either, most folks are just too initimadeted to try themselves. for that reason sure charge more.

streat trash is so damn good. honestly I think maximum overdrive deserves a place here.

“I hope my baby doesn’t come out all fucked up and shit” is the first that comes to mind

it is hard to pretend there is not an echo chamber of toxicity brought on by streamers that don’t like when they lose. maybe Ninja does accept losses but it can’t be denied that the “I’m not supposed to lose” mentality exists strongly in streamer culture. many many top players in games express the same frustrations we

no problem. appreciate the civility.

i am saying the narrative that something has been “proven” based on one person’s account is inaccurate. I’m arguing against the use of the word “proves” in your earlier post. I am saying people can choose to believe what they wish but it’s too early to present anything as fact.