You’re the problem with union workers today. Enjoy the $700 as you miss out on thousands.
You’re the problem with union workers today. Enjoy the $700 as you miss out on thousands.
As a union teacher this is depressing to me on a level too profound to adequately convey. This country is going to shit...
Your a fucking knob. Go suck elephant cock.
Easy for them to speak up when the opinion is so popular.
Lol yeah right. Every one who starred you isn’t going to do shit except type more angry posts.
How do you all feel for the “moral” stand of not voting for HRC? Welcome to the America of your creation. Back to Europe for me!
For the love of Mohammed, do we always have to jump to the Nazi comparisons? Try being an evangelical anything other than Muslim in that part of the world. They still have it pretty good here despite Trump.
You Brits should support this. Or just keep taking in all those Pakis and I’m sure everything will turn out lovely. Since after all their homeland is a paradise of free speech and liberal values.
Is it wrong to hope that Bieber is on the 2017 celebrity death list?
I blame Lochte
What criticism? Book fans want the proper ending. TV only people don’t read the books anyway. Besides, at this point the book and show are clearly diverging so significantly that you’d be a fool to think that they won’t have some major differences.
LeBron is a whiny little bitch.
Duke Lax was innocent. Big difference.
Is this psy ops on the part of an old military man to help keep and attract the young black men to San Antonio that his success is dependent upon.
What peace loving people would force Israel to play the Euros?
I’m disappointed by the lack of mentioning or video of Chael pinning Tito while wrestling D1.
Dear Gaza,
God that clothing brand is the surest sign that the owner is a douche. I can’t think of anything else except maybe a barb wire bicep tattoo.
Only difference is your Trump supporters were the ones who wanted to see OJ fry not go free.
Does it amaze anyone else that like every tenth person here has some sort of anecdotal account of seeing Trump or having a friend/relative that has seen him? Either there’s a boatload of Manhattanites here or a lot of fucking liars.