
Does that mean they didn’t do enough blow?

Would this have even been news in Buffalo?

Yeah Hillary they are. Along with Michigan and Wisconsin.

Violently? Lol what are you his mom? This is a French guy here thinking that you’re soft. Let that one sink in...

What state do you live in? Sounds like a right to work state. NJ teacher here, and while Christie is beating us down Negam style no school music program that I know of depends on finances raised from marching bands....yet.

Coming from an Alabama fan...can you type the word fuck without thinking of a naked blood relative?

Just the ones who think they’re athletes and not artists.

What school has the band as the cool kids? A STEM school?

If the Skins played a combo of Baylor and Penn State who would you root for?

No he was elected. Time for us to deal with it.

You don’t understand. Hunting is evil and Republicans are evil. And rich white guys are evil.

God I miss those days when video game football was fun. Now you need to have the proper coverage and move your d backs and linebackers pre snap to cover the audibles called by your buddy. It’s too much. I just want to zig zag up and down the screen as Bo damnit!

Me after my third plate of wings and sixth beer.

You couldn’t be more wrong they go through basic training called “beast barracks”. Maintain military discipline, drilling, etc while attending Ivy League caliber classes and train for month over the summer in regular Army units. The only similar thing to them and regular college kids is their age.

Unless your Lochte’s house cleaner how does fuck you over?

What is the difference? How does one go from gray to white?

Just down th street? Have you even been to EWR?

But as POTUS the amount of now my he’s going to make even after only one term will be YUGE.

It’s ok because they’re white!

Yeah only her daughter using its funds for daily expenses or special items like her wedding. But I’m sure HRC hates Chelsea. Not a fan of Trump, but that is just about the only area he looks much better than HRC.