
I've always wanted to catch a solo show of his as I've liked the few songs I've heard through Bloodshot samplers and the like. I'd be all about that show at the Frequency except DBT is playing Madison that night as well. Next time I guess.

Cocktails and Dreams isn't a proper album, it's a collection of b-sides and singles.

Last year I was at a friend's place for a poker night and met a friend of hers whom I assumed was a stereotypical hipster given his beard and Bucks jersey. However after striking up a conversation with him I realized that he was in fact a Bucks superfan, a relative rarity here in Madison. He was so enthusiastic about

I've got Friday night season tickets to the Wisconsin Badger hockey games and there's nothing finer than tipping back a few and later screaming "SIEVE" at some unfortunate 19 year old goalie.

I love the Midwestern "Aww jeez, can you believe that?" conversations that revolve around sports.

I considered ditching all of my CDs when I first ripped them all to iTunes in 2006 but never got around to it. I'm glad I didn't since I ended up losing my hard drive backup and came to the realization that I didn't really like the 128 kbps bitrate I'd originally employed. Over the last year and a half I've been

I can confirm it gets used by contractors often.

I was a big fan of that Vagrant comp as well, especially the two songs by Boxer. I looked for that album for close to 10 years but it's long out of print so I had to settle for a download.

Fuck yeah, I love that song! When I was 17 I met the lead singer of Frenzal Rhomb at the '98 Warped Tour in Milwaukee. He convinced me to buy a T-shirt and CD by speaking to me only through a bullhorn. It was only when I got home that I realized the shirt said "So How Does Go Fuck Yourself Sound?" on the back. My

Half of the shit I bought in the 90's was because of those comps. I could probably recall the track listing of Life in the Fat Lane I listened to it so much. I still have a box of them somewhere in storage.

Alvis was the holiest man ever to slap iron. He killed for your sins!

You're spot on re: WI.  The difference between Madison and the Fox River Valley is huge.

I saw the live Bob's Burgers a few months back and really enjoyed it.  The best question: someone asked Benjamin if he did anything special to get into character.  

I was quite pleased with Bad Religion's True North, probably my favorite BR release since The Empire Strikes Back.

I started singing that song out of the blue while walking back from the UW-MSU basketball game this past Tuesday.  Well not quite out of the blue, because my friend was talking about the Badger defense.

He is indeed.  I like to let it ring as long as possible so I can enjoy it to its fullest.

I haven't seen the re-cut version.  Does the dog still live in that one?  Because that's some fucking bullshit right there.

I grew up listening to the Oldies radio station in the car with my parents and classic rock at my father's machine shop and so of course got into punk when I was a teenager.  However my parents' three favorites were Dylan, the Stones, and Tom Waits and I still love all that stuff.  I loved singing along to "The Piano

Yep, exactly.

I'm slightly disappointed as well.  But then I remember that it is the ringtone for whenever my father calls me and I feel better.