what is reason 72
what is reason 72
Long-time readers will know that I am terrified of sharks. Like, I can' even watch them on TV. I can't even fall in…
I'd wish I were dead if I was the owner of that daewoo.
Nooooo! I would weep like a child who saw a mall Santa's beard fall off.
I get the point of the article, but what bothers me the most is how filthy that 3DS is. It almost tells me this person doesn't take good enough care of their electronics.
Time to get a NEW New 3DS!
Thanks Japan warning us to go easy on our pads.
What is this song?
Basically, I tend to dislike racing games except when cars are doing things cars should never, ever do. This means I also adore Burnout and Mario Kart. Yes, I'm one of those people.
So! I went and farmed here for a bit over an hour, and figured I'd share what I found:
That guy was the best!
There's some damn fine tracks on that list. I wouldn't mind it at all!
Can we ask R* if those 100 songs are the "deleted" ones that were found in the databases?
Damn. I forgot about him. Possibly my favorite side missions ever.
God I wish they'd rework the peds. So sad they don't lie there in pain or try to escape. Can't even knock em out. Could beat GTAIV only killing like 9 people.
I wouldn't look too deeply into it. He was a random encounter on the street and this trailer featured alot of those random encounter characters in general. If anything, it was highlighting the weirdness of Los Santos city life and the weirdos you're bound to run into, not necessarily teasing a new feature.
I hope it's denser, varied traffic. One of my biggest annoyances with any GTA really.
if you beat it in 2 days, i don't think you did the side questions.
I'm not really into GTA but I'd love to see a new Red Dead with better shooting mechanics. And more of this guy.