Awesome, just need a couple more pictures!!!!!!
Awesome, just need a couple more pictures!!!!!!
Safe for work version.
The biggest differences between the PS4 and PC versions will be anti-aliasing and framerate. The PS4 struggles to maintain 30 FPS in most towns and in FATES that framerate can feel like 20 or less at times. On my PC version I maintain 45-60 FPS in towns and the same in FATES with lots of players. There's still…
Steam gave me Dota 2. I didn't ask for it, and I sure as fuck don't want it.
THIS is how GTA 5 looks like on PC, running at 4K and 120FPS!!:
"Hopefully DICE patches this ridiculous bug out soon." A statement as old as time
If DICE aren't paying JackFrags... they should be.
I hope not, because I really want to play MH on a Vita. Graphically, the 3DS is just.. lacking, to put it nicely. Also, no right analog -__- I have a WiiU just for MH3U, but 4 is going to be 3DS only, it seems. How disappointing.
We are all phone.
Wait, who was phone?
I love Borderlands, but my main concern with this PRE-SEQUEL is the environments. so grey. hopefully the whole game isn't set on the moon.
Because the week folks can't resist posting Dorkly, so there's the danger that everything Dorkly has published in a week has already been shared. Filthy weekers.
The Dark Souls/Old Spice mashup is a win.
Dota2 and LoL are exemptions (same with TF2), you cant base the entire F2P market on 3 games.
It always struck me odd that the same $50 that will buy a fully unlocked game, will only buy me 300 Gems. That will run out buying armor, guns, ENERGY TO FIGHT(?!). And we arent even talking about the Super Rare items...he has to be joking. Notice he only talks of the initial $2 purchasr, not the in game expenses.
Just having the "free" in the name of a product already rings alarm bells for me. There's nothing free in life, the costs are just hidden elsewhere to lure you in easily.
QUOTE | "It's always struck me as a little odd how resentful players are in the F2P business model about paying a couple dollars when they don't think twice about paying $50 for the same amount of fun or gameplay time." - Veteran designer Steve Meretzky, talking about the evolution of free-to-play games.
There's a technical term for this type of exposure of a bug, but I can't think of it. Basically, you have two types of testers, ones that know how to use a system, and ones that are completely unfamiliar with it. The former find most of the bugs in a system by systematically trying things that you would expect a user…