
Same here , especially considering that Pokemon Y and X take place in a France Stand-in .

The shape screams Macarons.

I always thought real life pokepuffs were Macarons with Meringue on top (along with other fixin's)

The higher-tier ones give more affection points, meaning you can max out your friendship with a Pokémon faster if you only feed them those.

After all the time I spent stuffing those things into pokemon I never did find out, was there actually any difference between them?

It's just a FREKING game bro....RELAX!!!! You want realism, join the military.

Anything on easy is incompetent. Plus they have to make the game still fun >.>

THIS effin' guy!

It'll have a David Hayter mission, but the objective will be to kill him.

Did you rike it?

Questions is, did he rike it?

then step the fuck back.

Dark Souls needs to be in the way of everything.

Excellent! Need to pick this up, but dark souls 2 is in the way of everything at the moment.

Diablo 3 was always going to be a game that I bought later when the price when down but now I bet I'll never get it. It looks so fucking dated already. Seriously, Champions of Norrath for PS2 destroys this game.

If you have never played the original, I'd recommend you don't play any Yoshi's Island until you can. Hence, the no. I don't see much merit in recommending a game that I think is inferior even if, today, you might not be able to play Yoshi's Island on a 3DS.

All joking aside, the Wii U is a perfectly competent game console. but, competent is the baseline for any product. What we want are more games.

As a child, I had a great interest in breakdancing and archery. It was impossible to do both at the same time, so I chose neither out of respect to each. O how I have failed..

To be fair, some people have the skill and some don't. Smart A.I. isn't for everyone as some just want to play and kill and sit on their couch enjoying a fun game after work.

Others, like me, want the challenge! For us this is perfect..except gamers with that mindset are slowly reaching the minority.

Well flanking used by an enemy feels cheap because you're only one player... I bet the bait has 100% accuracy even though he's providing cover fire lol. We need more information before we can judge if the players are stupid or the devs are cheats.

PC developer says talking about resolution and framerate is pointless! There youg o PC Master Race, you can shut up about resolution and framerates now. While we're at it, CDPR should also look into locking The Witcher 3 to 1280x720 across all platforms and framerate lock to 30fps.