
It’s pretty obvious they stole the assets.

It’s a welcome change to me. Last gen was way, way too long.

Cars and knives can kill people but that’s not their main purpose. Guns are purpose built to kill things.

It’s making me strongly consider selling my Xbox One and using the money toward a GTX 1070.

It seems so but it’s also full price so hopefully that means more full featured than prologue...

I know I log in every time this happens. The concept is really cool to me, you’re stuck with whoever you’re born as just like real life.

Now she shows off her butt in a spunky and fun way that totally fits the character.

The social media wars that happen these days are stupid son. Especially for the internet famous people that get caught in the crossfire of all these anonymous idiots.

Same exact thing happened to me dude. Except I bought it. Probably played it 20 minutes and it just felt awful. Me and my friend just wanted a game like Champions of Norrath except on PS3 and Sacred 2 did not live up...

I’ve never found a game in this genre that tops Champions of Norrath and it’s sequel. Those games were all around good vibes and super addicting.

It seems weird to remove the pose but keep her in the vacuum sealed spandex. She was a bland female sex symbol from the beginning with that getup.

Are you fucking kidding me. Driveclub is the only racing game so far that actually felt like a generational leap to me. Evo was so far ahead of the competition in many areas. Seems like a dumb move to shut down a studio this talented.

  • Reel Fishing IV — PS4

“I keep forgetting I have access to these and scraping through tough fights without using any consumables at all. Don’t be like me!”

One of my friends somehow didn’t know what Funyuns were. I guess you can’t know about everything.

Looks like My Summer Car except without textures.

This dude has a fuckload of subscribers and people who like to harass him. Those people will probably care.

I’d say she is well above average. Curves are a highly attractive attribute to have. Average girls have less shape.

Too much hourglass to be average imo.