Well there’s Bloodborne for that. But honestly I would still be greatful for a Wii U Monster Hunter instead of 3DS. At least if they actually took advantage of the Wii U hardware... Doesn’t seem like they even tried with MH3U.
Well there’s Bloodborne for that. But honestly I would still be greatful for a Wii U Monster Hunter instead of 3DS. At least if they actually took advantage of the Wii U hardware... Doesn’t seem like they even tried with MH3U.
Wow this is such a breakthrough...
I can’t care. Require PS4 game.
What a cock head.
This is one of the greatest games of all time. Only sucky part is some of the questionable skins and lack of hate speech filtering.
The controls feel horrible. So horrible. But after playing a lot I’m pretty used to them.
I was hoping the world was going to be bigger, and all-in-one instead of 3 different areas separated by loading screens. You can’t travel very far without hitting the edge.
I remember watching my sister play that game every time we rented it. Those were the days...
I was having trouble with the first bear I saw in White Orchard but then I started using Ingi and that did massive damage. Bears be flammable in this game.
To this comment: YES!
Bears OP much?
I wouldn’t even call it bare minimum thanks to the auto-aim. I love GTA but they really need to ditch auto-aim for the next one imo. It would add A LOT to the gameplay and then they could stop having annoying laser-aim pistol sniper AI.
I had my PS4 save get corrupted and that never happens to me in games. Thankfully there was a plethora of auto saves and accidental manual saves I’ve created. Still lost an hour or two of progress though.
Great news for fighting game players. Wish they would do the same thing for logitech racing wheels..
I haven’t connected all the dots but I’m pretty sure this means Half Life 3 is coming to PS4.
This is fantastic news.
I’ve always rolled my computer chair up to my TV like a weirdo. So no problems for me. If I sit on the sofa it feels like I could never see shit in any game.
Seems harsh but fair to me. Leakers are ruining almost every great surprise now a days. E3 is a shell of it’s former self thanks to all the leaks.
You can stealth kill a hiker in the middle of the wilderness and still get wanted. But you don’t always. It’s just random.