Wow lame.
Wow lame.
He has a point. Kotaku should cater exclusively to the games I play and nothing else!!
I really wish they would put in a cheat code or something to have snow like this in singleplayer. I mean they obviously had to put in a lot of work to covert the map like this, it's a damn shame to only have it available a few days a year.
What? I think it would be awesome to be set in any big Pacific Northwest city. Except for Spokane.
12 best games for PSP?
So we're screwed. When does internet 2.0 come out?
I want one of these for racing games, it's almost windscreen sized. But I'll just wait for Oculus Rift.
I had to buy that game after playing the demo. And I don't even like superheroes.
Nah man it's pretty bad. When will Microsoft learn that the majority of people absolutely hate metro? ?
The blades were the best yet they still blowed.
Something Western games need to learn from Japanese games is to always have a fishing minigame.
Cheapness. That's like the biggest sales advantage a console can have. It's also pretty much why the PS4 is top dawg right now, that and the time Microsoft literally announced on stage how much they were going to fuck their consumers in the ass.
This sounded like a treat until I hear the Train Simulator people are making it... How much of the game is going to be DLC and how much will it all cost?
It does build up and move man.
This is the first time I have been legitimately wowed by graphics this gen. Hell, this looks more impressive than anything I've played maxed out on my PC... Well done, Evo.
Holy Shit.
Well to be fair his life is pretty much ruined. Unless he changes his name and moves to some racist backwater town where he can become a negro-shooting folk hero of sorts.
What the shit. I just rebought this on Steam and haven't even played it yet. Same thing happened with Tomb Raider. Oh well, I'll buy it three times, whateva.
Wow that would have been an awesome Christmas present for my nephews.