Can I level up my rock?
Can I level up my rock?
I prefer 3 but that's my opinion. It's over the top but still in a semi-believable setting. If you want total wacky randomness that is more sci-fi and set in a perma-night city then get 4.
Yeah pretty much this but all the attention they get comes with the negative side-effect of creeps harassing them... Is that worth it? I'm not sure but maybe. Dudes have to deal with a pretty fierce competition. It kinda kills my motivation knowing that she is probably taking to 5 other guys at the same time as me.
Attraction is such a subjective thing. Women who are "unattractive" by social standards still get a fair bit of attention on dating sites.
Holy craps this game has surprisingly good graphics!
Who wants to rent shit anymore? I don't. If they could be like Netflix and charge 7.99 a month to play whatever you want that would be much more attractive.
GTA needs to ditch auto-aim already. It's just not fun or satisfying and it turns multiplayer into a complete joke.
These are works of fiction, people can create whatever they want. If people get so worked up over this then why not over all the killing that happens in these games? It's make believe, calm down.
Then don't call them "people of color".
Well the physics and graphics are pretty different. Also it's now got damage, fuel consumption, winching, movable rocks, vehicle customizations and attachments. Loads of new stuff really. Oh yeah the full version also has online multiplayer.
Yeah it has smaller jeep like vehicles but I pretty much guarantee someone will mod a Jeep Wrangler into it. They already have in the tech demo:
Open your mind, man. Not everyone has the same tastes as you, this is currently top seller on Steam lol.
I was in a similar situation a few months ago. Had PS3, PS4 and PC but then I bought a 3DS and most recently a Wii U. I like the 3DS better, that thing impressed me a lot and Bravely Default is a must have.
Oh I know. Souls games are literally my favorite games but their CG trailers do nothing for me.
Douchebag Watch_Dogs guy always glued to his phone.
Aw yea boys club baby, no girls allowed!
This is most certainly a real issue in real life... But these are video games we are talking about here. Virtual worlds... They're the same as books and movies, the people who make them can create whatever the hell they want. It doesn't have to represent all the people of the world or even be politically correct at…
Here we go again. I think it's unreasonable to expect every piece of art or media to cater to every single type of person at the same time, but that's just me.
Gary Coleman :(
The first one does look a million times better.