lol how does that even happen?
lol how does that even happen?
Racing is the bomb.
Haha knew it. I was like "they both look fake". Pats myself on the back.
Way to play off the enthusiasm of your first post...
Playing it on console makes the wait so much easier though. I already got used to the shitty graphics again.
Holy crap that guy has a lot of time on his hands. But still God bless him for this.
Same. I was like level 27 or something and had a nice cozy apartment. I'm hoping that my guy is still floating around in the cloud somewhere, probably lost and scared.
I play PC games with a PS3 controller and yeah it rumbles.
Is Steam a basic function?
GTX 770 Baby.
The idea is to make it that much more special when you actually get to see some sweet exposed nipples.
Oh god. This just shows how ridiculous the whole sexism in games thing is. Being offended by fiction is a choice.
If only I could play GTAO, the BF4 beta and sleep at the same time.
Whining of epic proportions indeed.
Whining of epic proportions indeed.
Already?? God I'm downloading the BF4 beta right now.
Yeah that's how I felt. I didn't like it and I did like it. I mean it wasn't a bad ending but it wasn't as satisfying as I was hoping it would be.
Fastest selling video game ever... How will these servers possibly hold up?!
These videos are amazing! He doesn't do them in one take though, you can see a lot of edits.
Keep them coming I love GTA V. Though they are kind of getting paid to share Youtube videos...