
I hope there's a Trap station but I won't count on it.

Nah dude who wants to play the shittier version? I remember playing Tony Hawk 3 on my PS1 all sad because the PS2 version had pedestrians and cars driving around the levels. I couldn't wait to get a PS2.

When you think about it there were a lot of sick games announced when this gen first started that never actually came out...


Damn now I'm hungry.

I kissed a boy in a video game. No big deal yall.

I'm gonna say it's about 40/60 for me.

That is genius.

Now that is some 90's shit.

I can't believe they are ready after all the 180s. It seems like they reinvented their console just months before launch. That can't be good.

Man this was a scary article.

Dude that is not even possible come on now. You cannot know what something says before you read it. Unless it has a title or something.

I love Saints Row but I don't get what people see in IV. It looks like a total rehash.

Ok but seriously though, what is going on and who is this motherfucka?

Mad Catz? No thanks.

Man who would want 12GBs??

Of course it just had to be a freakin mobile game. It looks like the cars don't even have suspension. Cool concept from awesome developers but the mobile part kind of ruins it for me.

It's just sad because it is such an ambitious game and you know the consoles will be holding it so far back. Yet at the same time I really want to play it on day one... But then when I buy it for PC and play it with clear graphics and more cars on the road etc. it won't be as fresh and magical because I already beat

Wow, it's actually for women? I thought it was just gonna be for perverts.