Because the major racing games have real production vehicles in them. That means they can only do what the brands are okay with.
Because the major racing games have real production vehicles in them. That means they can only do what the brands are okay with.
Yeah I'm a PC player too but... I need to play this shit day one.
Gran Turismo 4 had that, check it out.
That shit is overpriced anyway.
Got to agree, this shit is getting old. But if other people are still enjoying it then more power to them.
Honestly I think the game is awesome, but it kinda gets boring fast because the cities are just too freakin' tiny.
The DLC for this game has been total shit. There is so much potential for awesome expansion packs but instead they release shit. Here's hoping they are in the process of making an awesome expansion...
So true lol. But is it still like that in ARMA 3?
I would like that.
They should take some influence from Dark Souls and make the next Borderlands game less tedious.
Come on, it's not so bad here. If you want to see brutal then go read some youtube comments. Any video with a black person in it really and you will see all of the KKK wannabes come out of the woodwork.
If you think Burnout looks as good as this then you are balls-out crazy.
Well if this was some kind of ploy for attention then it worked. Good for them, I didn't know about their game before but now I do.
The damage has already been done, but at least this is a step in the right direction.
None of what you said is unfair. If you're gonna play Dark Souls then you just need to use some logic. You can't attack shop owners without consequences, you can't walk off a cliff and expect an invisible wall to save you.
I'm down for diving games.
Ok, that was pretty vague, but I think I figured it out... It's going to be like how the PS3 is. Mind = Blown.
Man I love how much Demon's Souls has influenced other games.
Well I like them. They look more like animals instead of weird ass humanoid things or piles of garbage.